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Słoneczna | dach solarnej retencji wody
Nophadrain solar mounting systems for solar water retention roofs.
The Nophadrain Solar water retention system is a ballasted solar panel mounting system combined with a water retention roof with extensive vegetation. The mounting system is available in a 10° or 15° placement. The solar panels can be placed in a south and/or east-west orientation and can be mounted in portrait or landscape orientation. This creates many different possibilities.
As with any green roof, solar water retention roofs also have a positive effect on climate. A combination of a solar (green) roof with water retention provides additional space for plants and animals to grow, for extra water retention and it promotes the natural water cycle. Different vegetation types develop by alternating open space, maintenance paths and the areas under the solar panels. This is reflected in extra biodiversity on the roof.
Przykładowy skład

Panele słoneczne
Roślinność ekstensywna
Substrat Ekstensywny ND DGS-E
Geowłóknina Filtrująca ND FV-300
Element Retencji Wody ND WSE-100lte
Geowłóknina Ochronna ND SV-300
Wodoodporna membrana odporna na korzenie