Trafficable roofs – heavy goods vehicles | inverted roof

Pavement ≥ 100 mm: interlocking paving blocks Laying course 30 – 50 mm: grit 1/3 Sub-base layer: ≥ 150 mm, crushed natural material 0/32 ND 600hdsv Drainage System; filter layer, drainage layer, protective layer glued into one product. Thermal insulation The suitability of the thermal insulation must be demonstrated by the insulation supplier. ND TGF-20 […]

Trafficable roofs – heavy goods vehicles

Waterproofing membrane ND TSF-100 Slip and Protection Sheet ND 620hd Drainage System; filter layer, drainage layer, protective layer glued into one product. Sub-base layer: ≥ 150 mm, crushed natural material 0/32 Laying course 30 – 50 mm: grit 1/3 Pavement (combined with vegetation) ≥ 100 mm: interlocking pavement blocks Specific applications

Trafficable roofs – cars | inverted roof

Pavement ≥ 80 mm: concrete paving stones Laying course 30 – 50 mm: grit 1/3 Sub-base layer: ≥ 150 mm, crushed natural material 0/32 The ND 600sv Drainage System combines a filter geotextile, perforated drainage core and vapour-permeable geotextile in one product. Thermal insulation The suitability of the thermal insulation must be demonstrated by the […]

Walkable roofs

Pavement (combined with vegetation) ≥ 40 mm: concrete tiles Laying course 30 – 50 mm: crusher sand or grid 1/3 – 2/5 ND 220 Drainage System; filter layer, drainage layer, protective layer glued into one product. ND TGF-20 Separation and Slip Film Waterproofing membrane Specific applications

Trafficable roofs – cars

Pavement (combined with vegetation) ≥ 110 mm: big size concrete tiles Laying course 30 – 50 mm: grit 1/3 ND 620 Drainage System; filter layer, drainage layer, protective layer glued into one product. ND TSF-100 Slip and Protection Sheet Waterproofing membrane Specific applications

Walkable roofs | inverted roof

Pavement ≥ 40 mm: concrete tiles Laying course 30 – 50 mm: crusher sand or grid 1/3 – 2/5 ND 200sv Drainage System; filter layer, drainage layer, protective layer glued into one product. Thermal insulation The suitability of the thermal insulation must be demonstrated by the insulation supplier. ND TGF-20 Separation and Slip Film ND […]

Generic filters
Exact matches only
Filter by Product categorieën
Trafficable roofs
Green roofs
Water retention
Solar roofs
Erosion protection
Filter layer
Filter and drainage layer
Green roof packages
Growing medium layer
Inspection chambers
Roof edge / edge retaining profiles
Root barrier layer
Sedum cassettes
Separation, protection and slip layer
Vegetation layer
Vertical protection and drainage layer
Water buffering and water retention layer
Generic filters
Exact matches only
Filter by Product categorieën
Trafficable roofs
Green roofs
Water retention
Solar roofs
Erosion protection
Filter layer
Filter and drainage layer
Green roof packages
Growing medium layer
Inspection chambers
Roof edge / edge retaining profiles
Root barrier layer
Sedum cassettes
Separation, protection and slip layer
Vegetation layer
Vertical protection and drainage layer
Water buffering and water retention layer
Generic filters
Exact matches only
Filter by Product categorieën
Trafficable roofs
Green roofs
Water retention
Solar roofs
Erosion protection
Filter layer
Filter and drainage layer
Green roof packages
Growing medium layer
Inspection chambers
Roof edge / edge retaining profiles
Root barrier layer
Sedum cassettes
Separation, protection and slip layer
Vegetation layer
Vertical protection and drainage layer
Water buffering and water retention layer
Generic filters
Exact matches only
Filter by Product categorieën
Trafficable roofs
Green roofs
Water retention
Solar roofs
Erosion protection
Filter layer
Filter and drainage layer
Green roof packages
Growing medium layer
Inspection chambers
Roof edge / edge retaining profiles
Root barrier layer
Sedum cassettes
Separation, protection and slip layer
Vegetation layer
Vertical protection and drainage layer
Water buffering and water retention layer